Hi there! I’m Mathias.

I am currently pursuing a PhD in Machine Learning at the University of Oxford as part of the EPSRC CDT in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems and the Department of Computer Science. I am grateful to be supervised by Professor Alessandro Abate.

My research is primarily focused on reinforcement learning. In particular, I am interested in developing methods that allow agents to learn from high-level specifications and to generalise to novel tasks, while adhering to safety constraints. To this end, I am currently investigating linear temporal logic (LTL) as a high-level specification language for reinforcement learning.

Previously, I have worked on learning decision trees for explainable and effective controller representation. I also have an interest in logic and knowledge representation, and have worked on integrating formal logical knowledge with learning-based reasoning approaches (e.g. knowledge graph embeddings or graph neural networks). For more details, see my publications.


PhD in Machine Learning (AIMS CDT), 2022-2026, University of Oxford
MSc in Computer Science, 2020-2022, University of Oxford
BSc in Informatics, 2016-2020, Technical University of Munich